Watford Park
Watford Park
Watford Park U3A

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Welcome to Watford Park U3A


Do you live in the Watford area?

If you are retired or no longer working full time, we offer opportunities to -

  • meet people and make new friends
  • enjoy learning, just for the joy of it, no pre-requisites and no exams
  • share your hobbies or skills, or learn new ones

We are based near Cassiobury Park meeting at St Luke's 

What do we do?

  • We hold monthly meetings at St Luke's with an invited speaker.
  • Members also meet in small, informal, friendly groups that cover a wide range of subjects and interests.
  • We organise day trips, theatre visits and holidays at home and abroad.



Join Us 

If you would like to join our u3a please go to the Join page on this website where you will find an online application form and some supporting information.

If you require more information please contact our Membership Secretary through the email link on the Contact Us page.

Once you have joined login  to the website and more detail will be available for you

If you would like to find out more about the Third Age Trust and the wider u3a movement please go to the Third Age Trust page where you should find all the details you need. 

Privacy and Data Protection

Like all organisations we take the privacy of our members, and the protection of any personal data we hold, very seriously. Our Privacy and Data Protection   policies are available to read by clicking the links.