Watford Park
Watford Park
Watford Park U3A

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About Events

Unlike other Interest Group activities which have a regular meeting pattern (usually monthly, but sometimes more frequently), most Events are one-off activities, often visits or outings, that are organised for the benefit of WPu3a members

Most Events are open to all WPu3a members, but many are very popular so bookings are taken on a first-come first served basis. Interest Group Events are generally only open to members of the organising group, but if there are spaces available these may be allocated to other WPu3a members.

Events are not open to non-u3a members under any circumstances.

Events are organised under the following categories. Details of all current and planned events are shown on the appropriate web pages (with links in the text below).

Category Group Description
Trips & Social Events Outings Coach trips to places of interest, out and return in the same day.

Ad-hoc social events such as a Christmas Lunch, or concert by one or more study groups, open to all WPu3a members.


Talks Monthly Meeting Talks given by an external speaker at the monthly WPu3a 'all-members' meeting.
Interest Group Events Other Other events organised by individual interest groups,primarily for the benefit of group members only

Members can find email contact details for some of these in the Contact Us page. Alternatively, once you are logged in to the website, click on the Event you are interested in to open the event page, and send the Event Organiser an email from there.