Watford Park
Watford Park
Watford Park U3A

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Useful contacts for non-members of Watford Park U3A

 Name    Role    Useful contact point for?   
Laura Mead Membership Secretary     If you are considering joining Watford Park u3a.    
Alison Kallsen     Speaker Secretary     If you are a speaker who is interested in making a presentation to Watford Park u3a members, for instance at a main monthly meeting, or at a particular interest group meeting.    
David Silver     Interest Group Co-ordinator If you represent a neighbouring u3a group or a u3a network and you need to consult or invite participation from Watford Park u3a in an event or activity.    
Ron Duckling Chair If you are the chairman of another u3a group or you represent a u3a network, and you wish to notify or discuss a u3a matter with Watford Park u3a.
Ingrid Brady  Secretary If you are able to offer premises or transport services that could be used (or are already used) by members of Watford Park u3a.    
Janet Reynolds Webmaster If you wish to advertise events, services or goods to Watford Park u3a members on our internal website.

If your email client doesn't support these links please see the email addresses here

If you want to contact Watford Park u3a but none of the above seems appropriate then default to the Membership Secretary who will try to get you to the right person.