Watford Park
Watford Park
Watford Park U3A

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Monday Blues Group
Time - 14:30
Week - Third
Day - Monday
Group Leader(s) - Lyn Telford
Venue - Virtual meeting, Online Zoom
Vacancies - Waiting List
Group Leaders
First NameSurname

We meet via Zoom - why not join us - just drop a line to the Interest Group Leader using the icon above.

If you are interested in the Blues, the music that originated in the southern states of the USA and then spread to the UK, Europe and the rest of the world with a deep and lasting effect on popular music, then this is the group for you. We meet each month via Zoom to watch (videos on YouTube), listen to and discuss a programme of blues music (& related genres) and the musicians involved from the earliest years of the 20th century to the current day.  However, you don't have to be knowledgeable about the music to join us.


Some of the musicians recently featured. Can you recognise them?

Answers (click on blue link to reveal)
 Row 1  Left Centre
 Row 2  Left    Centre left                   Centre right