Watford Park
Watford Park
Watford Park U3A

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Advanced Photography Group
Time - 10:00
Week - Second
Day - Monday
Group Leader(s) - Peter Prosser
Venue - Virtual meeting, Online Zoom
Vacancies - 1
Group Leaders
First NameSurname


Umbrellas (Tony Yates)                                                                  Attention !!  (Peter Prosser)


  Hawthorne Shield Beetle  (Peter Prosser)                               Reflections (Tony Yates)


Droplet on Leaf (Rupert Stavely-Taylor)

Chenies Manor House (Terry Meiers) 


Station Master (Terry Bromley)                                                          African Hartebeasts (Steven Langerman)

    Cuckoo  (Peter Prosser)

Aggression (Grey Seals).  (Peter Prosser)

Grey Seal Mother & Pup  (Peter Prosser)


Staithes (Rupert Stavely-Taylor)

Machu Pichu  (Peter Prosser)

Coliseum at Night  (Peter Prosser)

  The Advanced Photography Group provides instruction and help in all aspects of photography, from capturing the image to improving the resultant image using a software package on a computer. Everyone is expected to contribute in an informal group session. The group is small to enable all to join in.

A project is undertaken each month to try new techniques.

Digital cameras are now in the forefront so basics are covered, storing images/back-ups to removing the unwanted details in the background of the portrait.

Sessions are very practical and the object is that at least one new idea/method/etc is taken away from each meeting.